Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Happy September!

I'm hoping that Labor Day weekend brought some rest for laborers. I was happy to not have to work yesterday. It was a true day off for me! The first in quite a while! So, I went to a cook-out, another first in quite a while.

This is an update on poetry, since there's been little about that recently. I have just finished putting together the file for my next chapbook, _resipiscent_, the sequel to _panmixia_, which is referred to in an earlier post. Now the chapbook hasn't been printed yet, nor has the cover been created, but that will happen in the next few days, so that printing can happen soon, too. I have already decided on the paper I'll be using for both the cover and the innards My goal is to have the project finished in advance of October 4, when I am reading in New Orleans. I'm planning to have some other hopefully hard-covered goodies ready for that reading as well.

Once the cover for the chap is completed, I'll post a poem from the book. Keep posted, as that should be happening in the next few days.

Several months ago, I began a project called "pickled fir grins" (which is mentioned in an earlier post, as there is a sound file on the Atlanta Poets Group blog of "tic edge exit," a poem from that project). Now that _resipiscent_ is complete, I will be returning to "pickled fir grins" and some other poetic projects.

Thanks for keeping up!


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