Thursday, August 16, 2007


Check out the Atlanta Poets Group web site (link on the left of this page). There were some sound files recently posted there, including three of mine.

Here's a little bit about the poems:

tic edge exit-- a poem from a collection I'm working on called _pickled fir grins_. I've not been working on this one in several weeks, because of other things, but it's a project I'm excited about. I'm responding to songs from one of my favorite singers.

take the wrong way home: or, how i learned to love the bomb-- a poem from a collection that I started about a character named bud mcmanaman. It's a pretty narrative collection and at this moment contains three characters (and two poems-- I actually have another one somewhere, but I wrote it at work, and I can't seem to find the paper I wrote it on....)

we all have our slashes-- a poem that stands on its own... maybe!

Now, there are some other great poems on there by two other great poets. Please check them out!!


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